Happy first day of classes, class of 2017! We are excited to start the academic year and to see some new faces in the lab. If you are interested in finding out more about the social robotics lab and/or the opportunity to work with us this year, please join us during one of our weekly lab meetings. Meetings are held every Monday (with the exception of holidays) at 4:00PM in room 500 on the fifth floor of Watson Hall, 51 Prospect Street. These informal meetings are lead by Professor Brian Scassellati and we all take a turn sharing news and what we’re currently working on. It’s a great way to meet like-minded peers and gain the opportunity to work on some exciting projects. Since social robotics spans multiple fields, we welcome students of varied disciplines and backgrounds.
The first lab meeting of the Fall 2013 semester will be held on Monday, September 9 at 4:00PM. Please RSVP to Larissa Hall, Lab Manager (larissa.hall@yale.edu) if you plan to attend.
Now…go do good stuff!