On Friday, June 28, 2013, Jean Zheng successfully defended her dissertation “Development of Variable Attention Capture (VAC) Haptic Feedback Systems for Conveying Information at an Appropriate Level of Salience” and received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Though her degree was in Mechanical Engineering, Jean has worked closely with ‘Scazlab’ during her time as a Ph.D. student at Yale.
We’re happy to report, that Jean has remained with the Yale community and is currently the Assistant Director of CRISP (Center for Research on Interface Structures & Phenomena) at Yale. CRISP’s basic research aim is to discover and develop novel materials that have been engineered at the scale of individual atoms. To this end, CRISP has two interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs) that focus on: (1) characterizing, designing, and controlling the novel chemical, electronic, and magnetic properties that arise at complex oxide interfaces, and (2) developing new bulk metallic glasses and advancing the fundamental understanding of their behavior which in turn will enable surface property engineering through multi-scale patterning. The research in the two IRGs will advance a wide range of technologies spanning computation, communication, energy, and medical applications.