Journal Articles
T. Flanagan, N. C. Georgiou, B. Scassellati, and T. Kushnir (2024). School-age children are more skeptical of inaccurate robots than adults. Cognition. Volume 249, 2024, 105814, ISSN 0010-0277. [HTML]
H. Erel, M. Vázquez, S. Sebo, N. Salomons, S. Gillet, and B. Scassellati (2024). RoSI: A Model for Predicting Robot Social Influence. J. Hum.-Robot Interact. Just Accepted. [HTML][PDF]
N. C. Georgiou, R. Ramnauth, E. Adeniran, M. Lee, L. Selin, and B. Scassellati (2023). Is Someone There or Is That the TV? Detecting Social Presence Using Sound. J. Hum.-Robot Interact. 12, 4, Article 47, 1-33. [HTML][PDF]
M. Qin, J. Brawer, & B. Scassellati (2023). Robot tool use: A survey. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, 1009488. [HTML][PDF]
T. Williams, C. Matuszek, K. Jokinen, R. Korpan, J. Pustejovsky, & B. Scassellati (2023). Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots. Commun. ACM 66, 8 (August 2023), 20–23. [HTML][PDF]
O. Mangin, A. Roncone, & B. Scassellati (2022). How to be Helpful? Supportive Behaviors and Personalization for Human-Robot Collaboration. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 725780. [HTML][PDF]
M. R. Fraune, I. Leite, N. Karatas, A. Amirova, A. Legeleux, A. Sandygulova, A. Neerincx, G. D. Tikas, H. Gunes, M. Mohan, N. I. Abbasi, S. Shenoy, B. Scassellati, E. J. Visser, & T. Komatsu (2022). Lessons Learned About Designing and Conducting Studies From HRI Experts. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 772141. [HTML][PDF]
M. Qin, J. Brawer, & B. Scassellati (2021). Rapidly Learning Generalizable and Robot-Agnostic Tool-Use Skills for a Wide Range of Tasks. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 726463. [PDF]
N. Salomons, S. S. Sebo, M. Qin, & B. Scassellati. A Minority of One against a Majority of Robots: Robots Cause Normative and Informational Conformity. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI) 10, no. 2 (2021): 1-22. [PDF]
M. Kelley, J. A. Noah, X. Zhang, B. Scassellati, & J. Hirsch (2020). Comparison of human social brain activity during eye-contact with another human and a humanoid robot. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 209. [HTML][PDF]
S. Sebo., L. L. Dong, N. Chang, M. Lewkowicz, M. Schutzman & B. Scassellati (2020). The Influence of Robot Verbal Support on Human Team Members: Encouraging Outgroup Contributions and Suppressing Ingroup Supportive Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3584. [HTML][PDF]
B. Scassellati, & M Vázquez. (2020). The potential of socially assistive robots during infectious disease outbreaks. Science Robotics, 5(44). [HTML][PDF]
Scassellati, B., Boccanfuso, L., Huang, C. M., Mademtzi, M., Qin, M., Salomons, N., … & Shic, F. Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot. Science Robotics, 3(21), eaat7544 (2018). [HTML][PDF]
G. Yang, J. Bellingham, P.E. DuPont, P. Fischer, L. Floridi, R. Full, N. Jacobstein, V. Kumar, M. McNutt, R. Merrifield, B.J. Nelson, B. Scassellati, M. Taddeo, R. Taylor, M. Veloso, Z. Lin Wang, & R. Wood. The grand challenges of Science Robotics. Science Robotics, Vol. 3, Issue 14 (31 January 2018) [PDF]
I. Leite, M. McCoy, M. Lohani, D. Ullman, N. Salomons, C. Stokes, S. Rivers, & B. Scassellati. Narratives with Robots: The Impact of Interaction Context and Individual Differences on Story Recall and Emotional Understanding. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol 4, Article 29 (July 2017) [PDF]
J. Hart & B. Scassellati. Robot Self-Modeling. To appear in: International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 2017.
H. Admoni & B. Scassellati. Social Eye Gaze in Human-Robot Interaction: A Review. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol 6, No 1 (May 2017) 25-63. [PDF]
A. Castro-González, H. Admoni, & B. Scassellati. Effects of form and motion on judgments of social robots’ animacy, likability, trustworthiness and unpleasantness. International Journal Human-Computer Studies, 90 (2016) 27-38. [PDF]
S. Rabbitt, A. Kazdin & B. Scassellati. Integrating Socially Assistive Robotics into Mental Healthcare Interventions: Applications and Recommendations for Expanded Use. Clinical Psychology Review, 2014. Accepted, in press. [PDF]
E. S. Kim, L. D. Berkovits, E. P. Bernier, D. Leyzberg, F. Shic, R. Paul, & B. Scassellati. Social Robots as Embedded Reinforcers of Social Behavior in Children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2012. [PDF]
E. S. Kim, R. Paul, F. Shic, & B. Scassellati. Bridging the Research Gap: Making HRI Useful to Individuals with Autism. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Volume 1. [PDF]
B. Scassellati, H. Admoni & M. Matarić. Robots For Use in Autism Research. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 14. [PDF]
W. A. Bainbridge, J. W. Hart, E. S. Kim & B. Scassellati. The benefits of interactions with physically present robots over video-displayed agents. International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 3(1), p. 41-52. 2010. [PDF]
C. Crick & B. Scassellati. Controlling a robot with intention derived from motion. Topics in Cognitive Science, Vol. 2, p. 114-126. January 2010. [PDF]
K. Gold, M. Doniec, C. Crick & B. Scassellati. Robotic Vocabulary Building Using Extension Inference and Implicit Contrast. Artificial Intelligence Journal. Vol. 173(1), p. 145-166. 2009. [PDF]
K. Gold & B. Scassellati. Using Probabilistic Reasoning over Time to Self-Recognize. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol. 57(5), p. 384-392. 2009. [PDF]
F. Shic & B. Scassellati. Pitfalls in the modeling of developmental systems. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 4(2), p. 435-454. 2007. [PDF]
A. Tapus, M. Mataric, & B. Scassellati. The grand challenges in socially assistive robotics. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. Vol. 4, No. 1. p. 35-42, March 2007. [PDF]
F. Shic & B. Scassellati. A behavioral analysis of computational models of visual attention. International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 73(2), p. 159-177, 2007. [PDF]
K. Gold & B. Scassellati. Learning acceptable windows of contingency. Connection Science, special issue on developmental learning, Vol. 18(2), p. 217-228, June 2006. [PDF]
C. Crick, K. Gold, E. Kim, F. Shic, G. Sun & B. Scassellati. Social Development. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Vol. 1(3), p. 41-47, August 2006. [PDF]
G. Sun & B. Scassellati. A fast and efficient model for learning to reach. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 4, p.391-413, 2005. [PDF]
C. Breazeal & B. Scassellati. Robots that imitate humans. Trends in Cognitive Science, vol. 6, pp. 481-487, 2002. [PDF]
C. Breazeal, A. Edsinger, P. Fitzpatrick & B. Scassellati. Active vision for sociable robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, Volume 31, Number 5, p. 443-453, 2002. [PDF]
B. Scassellati. Theory of mind for a humanoid robot. Autonomous Robots, vol. 12, p. 13-24, 2002. [PDF]
B. Adams, C. Breazeal, R. Brooks & B. Scassellati. Humanoid robots: A new kind of tool. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 15, No. 4, p. 25-31, July/August 2000. [PDF]
C. Breazeal, A. Edsinger, P. Fitzpatrick, B. Scassellati & P. Varchavskaia Social constraints on animate vision, with. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 15, No. 4, p. 32-37, July/August 2000. [PDF]
C. Breazeal & B. Scassellati. Infant-like social interactions between a robot and a human caretaker. Accepted for publication in Adaptive Behavior in 2000, but remained unpublished when the journal re-started in 2002. [PDF]